Routes into Glyndebourne

Our Routes into Glyndebourne programme provides access to development opportunities for talented people entering our industry for the first time.

Glyndebourne aims to offer unique paid Internships, Study Posts and Traineeships across a variety of departments.

We will endeavour to reach candidates who otherwise might not hear about our opportunities or consider applying by advertising Routes vacancies at and in locations relevant to the specific opportunity. These fixed term roles, for people new to our organisation, will allow the post-holders to learn and develop the skills they need to advance their career. We hope this will lead to us discovering and nurturing talent with the potential to make a valuable contribution to Glyndebourne and, in the longer term, to the wider arts profession.

Being able to say that we played the first part in someone’s success story is in keeping with the ethos of our New Generation Programme; a funding programme dedicated to new audiences, artists of the future and Glyndebourne staff. We believe Glyndebourne can make a difference, both in offering a first job to those just starting out in their career, as well as providing an invaluable opportunity to people looking for a way to make a career change. Working at Glyndebourne is a realistic prospect for candidates from a variety of backgrounds, regardless of their current circumstances. In short, if you show promise in an area that meets our needs, we hope to find you and bring you on board.

There is one simple way to join the Routes into Glyndebourne programme: through applying for a specific advertised vacancy in the left hand menu under ‘Routes to Glyndebourne’, using the forms indicated. Without exception, all vacancies for an intern, trainee, apprentice, study/graduate post, will be advertised here on our website, so if there aren’t any vacancies showing, this means there are currently no opportunities to apply for. (NB We will not be keeping waiting lists of interested potential candidates). The very best way to ensure you don’t miss any opportunities is to make a regular check of this page.

If you experience any difficulty in opening the forms, we suggest right clicking to save them first and opening your saved version.

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