Work at Glyndebourne

Disability Confident

Glyndebourne is proudly a Disability Confident employer, and are dedicated to making Glyndebourne an accessible and inclusive environment to work.

Glyndebourne is proudly a Disability Confident employer, and are dedicated to making Glyndebourne an accessible and inclusive environment to work.
Disability Confident is a government scheme that works with employers to:
  • Engage and encourage them to become more confident so they employ and retain disabled people and those with long term health conditions
  • Create a movement of change, encouraging employers to think differently about disability and take action to improve how they recruit, retain and develop disabled people
  • Supports the government’s commitment to having  1 million more disabled people in work by 2027
As a Disability Confident Employer we are committed to:
  • Ensure our recruitment processes are inclusive and accessible
  • Communicate and promote our vacancies
  • Offer an interview to disabled people who meet the minimum criteria for the job (The Guaranteed Interview Scheme)
  • Anticipate and provide reasonable adjustments to job applicants and employees as required
  • Support any existing employee who acquires a disability or long term health condition, enabling them to stay in work
  • At least one activity that will make a difference for disabled people.

The Guaranteed Interview Scheme

A key requirement of the Disability Confident scheme is to offer an interview to disabled people who meet the minimum criteria for a job. These requirements are set out in each job description and will be different for every job. If you would like to participate in the Guaranteed Interview Scheme please indicate this in your covering letter, or if appropriate on your application form.

Please note that the commitment is to provide access to interviews for disabled applicants who meet the minimum criteria, not to guarantee them employment. This government-led positive action is intended to help create a fair and level playing field for disabled applicants to demonstrate their skills and experience, and is permitted by The Equality Act (2010) in a way that is not permitted for other protected characteristics.

We provide feedback to any Disability Confident applicants who do not demonstrate that they meet the minimum criteria for the job.

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