Terms and Conditions

Membership terms and conditions

Important information about Glyndebourne memberships

Associate Membership terms and conditions

  • We reserve the right to change the benefits, and terms and conditions that apply to Associate Membership at any time.
  • Membership is subject to an annual membership payment. Annual Membership rates are subject to review and typically increase annually in line with inflation.
  • If an Associate Member resigns or fails to make the annual membership payment the Associate Membership is cancelled and their name is removed from the waiting list for Festival Society Membership. We regret that it is not possible to reinstate Associate Membership at a later date.
  • It is a requirement of Associate Membership that the annual membership payment is made by the named Associate Member only. If the Associate Membership is held jointly either Associate Member may pay. We cannot accept payment from a company account. This is in order to protect ownership of your Associate Membership, and to comply with HMRC rules regarding Gift Aid.
  • Associate Membership can be held either individually or jointly by spouses/ life partners. The original applicant is known as the Primary Owner. If any ownership disputes arise, the Membership reverts to the Primary Owner.
  • Associate Membership cannot be transferred, other than between spouses/ life partners.
  • Membership benefits can be accessed by the named Associate Member/s only. If an Associate Member allows others to access their Membership without Glyndebourne’s explicit consent Glyndebourne reserves the right to terminate the Membership contract.
  • Associate Membership is for personal use only. Memberships may not be used to purchase tickets to sell on for commercial use.
  • Only one Associate Membership can be held per person.
  • Associate Membership can only be held by those over 18 years old.
  • For Gift Memberships, we will deliver the services to the person who activates the gift membership.
  • All membership payments, fees, and donations are made to Glyndebourne Productions Limited registered charity number 243877.
  • All contributions are non-refundable.
  • Glyndebourne can accept no responsibility for emails lost, delayed or undelivered.
  • Glyndebourne reserves the right to refuse admission to performances and events at Glyndebourne. We ask our visitors to treat our staff, our artists and other visitors with kindness and respect. Anyone who does not uphold our values may be denied entry, asked to leave, denied future entry, have their membership revoked or any other appropriate sanction as decided by Glyndebourne.
Upfront payments

For upfront payments covering Membership renewals for 10 years or for life we will need to record your date of birth.

Should you cease to be a Member for any reason, the benefits of your Membership cannot be used by anyone other than your spouse or life partner as per the terms and conditions regarding the transfer of Membership.

Associate Membership ticket terms and conditions
  • Ticket purchases are subject to the Glyndebourne ticket terms and conditions available here.
  • Members will be able to amend their orders, via the Box Office, at any time before public booking opens to exchange or refund tickets. Tickets may be exchanged for an alternative date, subject to availability, or fully refunded to the original payment method. This must be pre-arranged with the Box Office, via phone or email, prior to public booking. Tickets purchased after this date will not be eligible for refund.
  • Associate Members’ ticket requests cannot be guaranteed. Please be aware that demand for Upper Circle and Side seats and weekend performances is particularly high.
  • The number of tickets an Associate Member can apply for during priority booking is limited.
  • Glyndebourne Associate Members will be notified of the limits that apply before booking opens.
  • Standing places and Under 30 tickets are not available during Associate Members’ priority booking.
  • The exchange fee is waived for Associate Members.
New Associate Member ticket credit offer terms and conditions

Applies only to those joining for Festival 2024 before 10.00am on Friday 8 December 2023. For terms and conditions please click here.

+44(0)1273 815 400 (Monday – Friday 10:00am – 5:00pm)

Festival Society Membership terms and conditions

  • We reserve the right to change the benefits, and terms and conditions that apply to Glyndebourne Festival Society Membership at any time.
  • Membership is for life, subject to an annual membership payment. Annual membership rates are subject to review and typically increase annually in line with inflation.
  • If a Member resigns or fails to make the annual payment, Membership is cancelled and offered to the next person at the top of the waiting list. We regret that it is not possible to reinstate Membership at a later date.
  • It is a requirement of Membership that the annual payment is made by the named Member only. If the Membership is held jointly either Member may pay. We cannot accept payment from a company account. This is in order to protect ownership of your Membership, and to comply with HMRC rules regarding Gift Aid.
  • Membership can be held either individually or jointly by spouses/ life partners. The original applicant is known as the Primary Owner. If any ownership disputes arise the Membership reverts to the Primary Owner.
  • Membership cannot be transferred, other than between spouses/ life partners.
  • Membership benefits can be accessed by the named Festival Society Member/s only. If a Member allows others to access their Membership without Glyndebourne’s explicit consent Glyndebourne reserves the right to terminate the Membership contract.
  • Festival Society Membership is for personal use only. Individual Memberships may not be used to purchase tickets to sell on for commercial use.
  • Only one Festival Society Membership can be held per person
  • All membership payments, fees and donations are made to Glyndebourne Productions Limited registered charity number 243877.
  • All contributions are non-refundable.
  • Glyndebourne can accept no responsibility for emails lost, delayed or undelivered.
  • Glyndebourne reserves the right to refuse admission to performances and events at Glyndebourne. We ask our visitors to treat our staff, our artists and other visitors with kindness and respect. Anyone who does not uphold our values may be denied entry, asked to leave, denied future entry, have their membership revoked or any other appropriate sanction as decided by Glyndebourne.
Upfront payments

For upfront payments covering Membership renewals for 10 or 20 years or for life we will need to record your date of birth.

Should you cease to be a Member for any reason, the benefits of your Membership cannot be used by anyone other than your spouse or life partner as per the terms and conditions regarding the transfer of Membership.

Members’ ticket terms and conditions
  • Ticket purchases are subject to the Glyndebourne Ticket terms and conditions available here.
  • Members will be able to amend their orders, via the Box Office, at any time before public booking opens to exchange or refund tickets. Tickets may be exchanged for an alternative date, subject to availability, or fully refunded to the original payment method. This must be pre-arranged with the Box Office, via phone or email, prior to public booking. Tickets purchased after this date will not be eligible for refund.
  • Festival Society Members’ ticket requests cannot be guaranteed. Please be aware that demand for Upper Circle and Side seats, and weekend performances is particularly high.
  • The number of tickets a Member can apply during priority booking is limited. Glyndebourne Members will be notified of the limits that apply before booking opens.
  • Standing places are not available during Members’ priority booking.
  • The exchange fee is waived for Festival Society Members.
Referral offer terms and conditions
Current Members will receive a £100 gift voucher for everyone new Associate Member introduced between 1 March 2024 and 31 December 2024.
  • The new Associate Member must enter their referrer’s membership number at the time of purchase.
    Current Members who buy a gift Associate Membership will be automatically recognised and rewarded.
  • We will send the voucher by email where an email is registered on the Membership account. Where an email is not registered we will send the voucher by post to the address on the Membership account.

For terms and conditions of Gift Vouchers see here.

The terms and conditions have been designed to offer you clarity in your Membership agreement. If you have any queries please contact the Membership Team.

+44(0)1273 815 400 (Monday – Friday 10am – 5pm)

Under 40s terms and conditions

  • It is a requirement of Under 40s Membership that the annual subscription is paid by the named Under 40s Member only.
  • Under 40s Membership cannot be transferred.
  • Membership benefits can be accessed by the named Under 40s Member/s only. If a Member allows others to access their Membership without Glyndebourne’s explicit consent Glyndebourne reserves the right to terminate the Membership contract.
  • Under 40s Membership is for personal use only. Individual Memberships may not be used to purchase tickets to sell on for commercial use.
  • Only one Under 40s Membership can be held per person.
  • Under 40s Membership can only be held by those between the ages of 16-39. By registering for an Under 40s Membership you confirm you are between the ages of 16-39.
  • All membership subscriptions, fees, and donations are made to Glyndebourne Productions Limited registered charity number 243877.
  • All contributions are non-refundable.
  • In registering for an Under 40s Membership you are signing up to receive Under 40s emails from Glyndebourne.
  • Glyndebourne reserves the right to change the benefits, and terms and conditions, that apply to Glyndebourne Under 40s Membership at any time.
  • Glyndebourne reserves the right to refuse admission to performances and events at Glyndebourne. We ask our visitors to treat our staff, our artists and other visitors with kindness and respect. Anyone who does not uphold our values may be denied entry, asked to leave, denied future entry, have their membership revoked or any other appropriate sanction as decided by Glyndebourne.
Under 40s tickets terms and conditions
  • Under 40s tickets are subject to the Glyndebourne Ticket terms and conditions, available here.
  • Under 40s discount is based on full priced tickets, as published in the brochure.
  • Members will be able to amend their orders, via the Box Office, at any time before public booking opens to exchange or refund tickets. Tickets may be exchanged for an alternative date, subject to availability, or fully refunded to the original payment method. This must be pre-arranged with the Box Office, via phone or email, prior to public booking. Tickets purchased after this date will not be eligible for refund.
  • Glyndebourne reserves the rights to limit which productions can be purchased using the discount.
  • Under 40s discounted tickets must be used by 16-39 year olds. A breach of this condition will entitle Glyndebourne to cancel the tickets without prior notification, refund, compensation or liability. All Under 40s tickets must be collected at the Box Office with your proof of age.
  • Under 40s Members can book no more than two discounted tickets, subject to availability.
  • Standing places and slips seats are not available during Under 40s Members’ priority booking and cannot be subject to Under 40s Discount during public booking.
  • All Under 40s tickets, including any full price tickets bought during the Under 40s Membership priority booking period, must be purchased using an Under 40s account.
  • Glyndebourne can accept no responsibility for emails lost, delayed or undelivered.

Under 30s terms and conditions

  • By registering for Under 30s you confirm you are between the ages of 16-29.
  • In registering for Under 30s you are signing up to receive emails from Glyndebourne.
  • You can opt out of receiving emails by selecting ‘Unsubscribe’ in any email communication, but this will mean that your Under 30s will be cancelled.
  • Glyndebourne reserves the right to change the benefits, and terms and conditions, that apply to Glyndebourne Under 30s at any time.
  • Glyndebourne reserves the right to refuse admission to performances and events at Glyndebourne. We ask our visitors to treat our staff, our artists and other visitors with kindness and respect. Anyone who does not uphold our values may be denied entry, asked to leave, denied future entry, have their membership revoked or any other appropriate sanction as decided by Glyndebourne.
Under 30s Tickets Terms & Conditions
  • Under 30s tickets are subject to the general Glyndebourne Ticket terms and conditions, available here.
  • Glyndebourne reserves the right to limit the number of subsidised Under 30s tickets that can be purchased per performance.
  • All Under 30s tickets must be purchased using an Under 30s account.
  • Tickets must be used by 16-29 year olds. Proof of age will be requested on arrival at Glyndebourne. A breach of this condition will entitle Glyndebourne to cancel the tickets without prior notification, refund, compensation or liability.
  • Glyndebourne can accept no responsibility for emails lost, delayed or undelivered.

Funding Membership terms and conditions

  • We reserve the right to change the benefits, and terms and conditions that apply to Glyndebourne Funding Membership at any time.
  • Membership can be held either individually or jointly by spouses/ life partners. The original applicant is known as the Primary Owner. If any ownership disputes arise the Membership reverts to the Primary Owner.
  • The Membership Fee element is not eligible for Gift Aid and is not payable from a Charity Account.
  • Membership cannot be transferred, other than between spouses/ life partners.
  • Membership benefits can be accessed by the named Member/s only.
  • Membership is for personal use – tickets may not be purchased to sell on for commercial use.
  • Ticket purchases are subject to the Glyndebourne Ticket terms and conditions available here.
  • We reserve the right to terminate the Membership contract if the terms and conditions are not met.
  • All membership payments, fees and donations are made to Glyndebourne Productions Limited registered charity number 243877.
  • Glyndebourne reserves the right to refuse admission to performances and events at Glyndebourne. We ask our visitors to treat our staff, our artists and other visitors with kindness and respect. Anyone who does not uphold our values may be denied entry, asked to leave, denied future entry, have their membership revoked or any other appropriate sanction as decided by Glyndebourne.

The terms and conditions have been designed to offer you clarity in your Membership agreement. If you have any queries please contact the Membership Team – membership@glyndebourne.com +44(0)1273 815 400 (Monday to Friday, 10.00am – 5.00pm)

  • All contributions are non-refundable.
  • Glyndebourne can accept no responsibility for emails lost, delayed or undelivered.

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