
My favourite Carmen moment - 'Aragonaise'

In this short video, Andy Barclay, principal percussion (London Philharmonic Orchestra), shares his favourite moment from Bizet’s Carmen.

We’re shining the spotlight on some of the music on stage for Festival 2024 and the musicians in our pit – the current orchestra pit has been at the heart of every Festival performance for nearly 30 years.

But in order to stay at a world-class level we need to make some updates. By donating to our Annual Fund you could help us make these vital refurbishments.

If you’re a Member you could include a ticket top-up donation to our Annual Fund when you’re filling in your Festival 2024 ticket application form, or donate below.

Donations of £150+ will be credited in our Festival Programme Book.
Those donating £1,000+ will be invited to join our Ebert Room Club and enjoy a closer relationship with Glyndebourne.

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