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Support our community programmes

Help people of all ages and backgrounds access and participate in opera.

We need your support to achieve our mission to enrich the lives of as many people as possible through opera.

Support our Autumn season and play your part in welcoming our young visitors to experience all the emotion, spectacle and intensity of a fully staged Glyndebourne opera by donating to our school’s programme. For many young visitors, this is their first experience of live opera, which can spark a passion for performance that can last a lifetime.

You can donate below, or Members can include a donation on their Autumn ballot form.


Donations of £50+ will be credited in our Autumn Programme Book.
Those donating £1,000+ will be invited to join our Ebert Room Club and enjoy a closer relationship with Glyndebourne.

Image credits: Liverpool schools singing, photo by Phil Tragen | L’elisir d’amore, Festival 2009, photo by Simon Annand | Performance for Schools, photo by Sam Stephenson

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