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Leave a legacy

Help secure Glyndebourne’s future for the next generation of artists and audiences.

Thank you for considering leaving a gift to Glyndebourne.

By remembering Glyndebourne in your will, you help to preserve our artistic standards on stage, enable us to nurture the careers of emerging artists and inspire the wider community to engage with our work.

Make an enduring impact on our future and allow your passion for Glyndebourne to live on.

Join us to discover more about the impact that gifts in wills make at Glyndebourne.

We will be hosting an event in the Spring of 2025 in London as an opportunity to learn more about how a gift in your will can help secure Glyndebourne for future generations.

To register your interest in attending please fill out the form below or contact Tanya Richardson, Development Manager on or on +44(0)1273 042745.

How to leave a gift in your will

Key Information for your solicitor

If you decide to leave a gift to Glyndebourne your solicitor will need our charity name, address and registered charity number:

Glyndebourne Productions Limited, Lewes, East Sussex, BN8 5UU
Registered Charity Number 243877

Did you know?
If you leave 10% or more of the value of your taxable estate to charity, not only is the gift itself exempt from IHT but the remaining estate is subject to IHT at 36% rather than 40%.

Gifts from USA
If you are a US citizen or resident, you can leave a gift through Glyndebourne America, which is fully deductible for US estate tax purposes.


Residuary gift: you can leave the remainder of your estate or a percentage, once family and friends have been provided for.

Pecuniary or cash gift: a fixed sum donation

We would encourage you to leave a gift that can be used wherever it is most needed at the point it is received by Glyndebourne, but we also understand that you may wish for your gift to benefit an area of our work that is important to you.

If you would like to discuss please contact our Development Manager, Tanya Richardson, for a confidential conversation on +44 (0)1273 042 745 or email

How we say thank you – the John Christie Society

To honour the vision of Audrey Mildmay and John Christie, in 2009 we created the John Christie Society to recognise and thank those generous and forward-thinking individuals who are remembering Glyndebourne with a gift in their will.

Members of The John Christie Society are recognised annually in the Festival Programme Book and have the opportunity to deepen their involvement with Glyndebourne through invitations to events in the Festival and autumn programme.

By joining the John Christie Society I feel I am part of the organisation and the money I have left will help to carry on the philosophy of John and Audrey Mildmay who started such a wonderful organisation.

– Creighton Redman

The impact your gift can make

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