Glyndebourne America

Distinguished American singers at Glyndebourne

Discover all the American singers who have performed at Glyndebourne

Singers are listed alphabetically in the decade they first sang at Glyndebourne.


Alexander Kipnis 1936 (originally Ukrainian)

Paul Schwarz 1936

Risë Stevens 1939, 55

Francesco Valentino 1938, 39, 47

Edwin Ziegler 1935


Ann Ayars 1947, 48

Christina Carroll 1948

William Horne 1949

Andrew McKinley 1947

Eleanor Steber 1947


Lucine Amara 1954, 55, 57, 58

Frances Bible 1955, 62, 63

Heinz Blankenburg 1957, 58, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 70

Mary Costa 1958

Gianna D’Angelo 1955, 56, 62

Mattiwilda Dobbs 1953, 54, 56, 61

Dorothy Dow 1952, 53

Margaret Harshaw 1954

Jerome Hines 1953

Gloria Lane 1958, 59, 63, 72

David Lloyd 1957

George London 1950

Elaine Malbin 1954

Nan Merriman 1953, 56

James Pease 1954

David Poleri 1951, 55

Sylvia Stahlman 1959

Blanche Thebom 1950

Lucille Udovick 1956


Carlos Alexander 1961

Phyllis Curtin 1969

Saramae Endich 1964

Reri Grist 1962

Calvin Marsh 1966

John Modenos 1965

Marta Pender 1964

Judith Raskin 1963, 64

Regina Sarfaty 1960, 84

Arlene Saunders 1966

George Shirley 1966, 68, 73, 74

Richard Van Vrooman 1968

Claire Watson 1960

Raymond Wolansky 1963, 64


John Aler 1979, 85, 93

James Atherton 1979, 80

Kathleen Battle 1979

Richard Cross 1976, 77

Michael Devlin 1974, 75, 76

Dale Duesing 1976, 81, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90

Rosalind Elias 1975, 77

Brent Ellis 1977, 78, 87

Elfego Esparza 1970

Maria Ewing 1978, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87

Leo Goeke 1973, 74, 75, 77, 78, 80

Donald Gramm 1975, 76, 80, 82

Kay Griffel 1976, 77

Barbara Hendricks 1974

Robert Hoyem 1975, 77

Jerry Jennings 1971

Robert Johnson 1975

David Kuebler *1976, 87, 89, 90, 96

James Morris 1972

Janet Perry 1977

Jerome Pruett 1977, 79, 85

Ashley Putnam *1978, 84, 91

Samuel Ramey 1976, 77, 78

Gianna Rolandi 1981, 84, 87, 88, 91

May Sandoz 1978

Norma Sharp 1978

Frederica von Stade 1973, 79

Richard Stilwell 1973, 75, 76, 79, 81, 84, 86

Alan Titus 1979, 81

Helen Vanni 1971, 72

Patricia Wise 1972

Linda Zoghby 1978, 80


Roberta Alexander 1989, 92, 95

Dennis Bailey 1981, 84

Gregg Baker 1986, 87

Mark Baker 1989

Karen Beardsley 1985

Harolyn Blackwell 1986, 87, 88, 89

Gwendolyn Bradley 1984

Cynthia Clarey 1984, 86, 87

Barrington Coleman 1986, 87

Stephen Dickson 1980

Stephen Dupont 1986

Faith Esham 1981, 84, 87

Damon Evans 1986, 87

Colenton Freeman 1986, 87

Robert Gambill 1982, 85, 03, 07

Nancy Gustafson *1986, 88, 90, 92

Jerry Hadley *1983, 93

Cynthia Haymon 1986, 87, 89

James Hoback 1980

David Holloway 1985

Ben Holt 1986

Bruce Hubbard 1986, 87

Paula Ingram 1986

Camellia Johnson 1987

William Johnson 1986

Kathleen Kuhlmann 1983, 85

Sunny Joy Langton *1989

Mimi Lerner 1984

Frank Lopardo 1987

Walter MacNeil 1987, 88

Ted Maynard 1986, 87

Barry McCauley 1985, 87, 88

Robert McFarland 1988

Sylvia McNair *1989, 91

Sheryl Melvin 1987

Jenny Miller 1984

Timothy Noble 1986, 87

Autris Paige 1986, 87

Evelyn Petros 1980

Richie Pitts 1987

Elizabeth Pruett 1982, 83

J Patrick Raftery 1984

Gianna Rolandi 1981, 84

Rita Shane 1980

Marieta Simpson *1986, 87, 2008

Kurt Streit *1988, 90, 91, 98, 99, 01

Ron Travis 1986, 87

Carol Vaness *1982, 83, 84, 86, 91

Malcolm Walker 1985, 87, 88

Mervyn Wallace 1986, 87

Jeffrey Wells ?*1989

Neil Wilson 1986

Delores Ziegler 1984


Kristine Ciesinski 1995, 97

Richard Croft 1991, 96, 98, 99, 00, 17

David Daniels 1996, 06

Patrick Denniston 1997

Mark Doss *1990, 1991

Stephen Drakulich *1992, 96

Renee Fleming 1992, 94

Bruce Ford 1995, 00, 02

Stephanie Friede 1991

Jake Gardner 1991, 96

Rodney Gilfry 1999, 2017

Thomas Hampson 1993

Howard Haskin 1990, 91

Jane Henschel 1994

Wendy Hillhouse *1994

Beverly Hoch 1991

Lorraine Hunt [Lieberson] *1996, 03

Paul Austin Kelly *1995, 96, 00

James Maddalena 1990, 91, 92

Linda Maguire *1995

Richetta Manager 1990

Claron McFadden 1996, 99

Marisol Montalvo *1999

Stephen O’Mara 1994

Tom Randle 1991, 2001

Julien Robbins 1997, 98

Jane Shaulis *1990, 97, 98

Patricia Schuman 1999

Sanford Sylvan 1994

Martin Thompson 1994, 96

Dawn Upshaw 1993, 96


Laura Aitkin 2005

Pamela Armstrong *2003, 06

Madeline Bender 2001

Robert Brubaker 2004, 08

Richard Decker 2003

Lauren Flanigan 2002

Gwynne Geyer *2008

Nathan Gunn *2000, 03, 08

Jennifer Holloway 2008, 09

Brandon Jovanovich *2008, 09

Dina Kuznetsova 2009, 11

Tamara Mumford *2008

Danielle de Niese 2005, 06, 08, 09, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19

Katherine Rohrer *2008

Trevor Scheunemann 2008, 09

Wayne Tigges *2008

Lawrence Zazzo 2005, 06


Donnie Ray Albert 2018

Avery Amereau 2017

Paul Appleby 2015, 16

Zach Borichevsky 2017

Angela Brower 2017

Brandon Cedel *2014, 15, 19

John Chest 2018

Laura Claycomb 2013

Scott Connor *2014

Anthony Roth Costanzo *2014

Stephen Costello 2011

Elizabeth DeShong 2011, 12, 16, 18, 19

Michael Fabiano 2014, 15

AJ Glueckert 2017

Joshua Guerrero 2018

Patrick Guetti 2016

Brenden Patrick Gunnell 2015

Marcus Haddock 2002

Joélle Harvey 2012, 14, 17, 18

Nicole Heaston 2014

Claudia Huckle 2016

Kathleen Kim *2012, 16

James Kryshak *2013

Stephanie Lauricella 2018

Isabel Leonard *2012

Kate Lindsey 2013, 18, 19

Christopher Lowery 2017

Amanda Majeski *2013, 16

Lucas Meacham 2011

John Moore 2010, 13, 18

Erin Morley 2017

Lisette Oroposa 2017

Ailyn Pérez 2013

David Portillo 2016, 19

Brenda Rae 2011

Helene Schneiderman 2014

Sarah Shafer *2012

Alek Shrader *2012, 13

Taylor Stayton *2012, 16

Andrew Stenson *2013, 17

Michael Sumuel *2012, 15, 16, 18

Laura Tatulescu 2013

Patrick Terry 2017

Rachel Willis-Sørensen 2018

*denotes UK debut

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