Application Form

Security Officer Job Application Form

Security Officer Job Application Form

  • (Declaration subject to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974)
  • As a Disability Confident Employer, we guarantee to interview all disabled applicants who meet the essential criteria for our vacancies. Do you feel that you would fall under the Disability Confident Scheme?
  • List any additional skills you feel are relevant to your application.

  • Employment record

  • School and qualifications
  • Please give details of one reference. It should not be a relative or personal friend. References will not be contacted until a job offer has been made.

    • I declare that the information contained in this application is correct to my knowledge and belief.
    • I understand that my application may be rejected or that I may be dismissed for withholding relevant details or giving false information.
    • I consent to Glyndebourne Productions Ltd checking any information that I am unable to verify personally.
    • I acknowledge and accept that my data will be stored securely in manual and automated records and will be processed solely by Glyndebourne Productions Ltd in connection with the recruitment and equal opportunities monitoring and my personnel records if I am the successful candidate. (Data Protection Act 1998).
  • Date Format: DD slash MM slash YYYY

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