
Artsmark is the creative quality standard for schools and education settings, awarded by Arts Council England, recognising their commitment to high quality arts and cultural education.

Artsmark is the creative quality standard for schools and education settings, awarded by Arts Council England, recognising their commitment to high quality arts and cultural education.
Glyndebourne is proud to be supporting schools and education settings on their Artsmark journey, inspiring children and young people to create, experience, and participate in great arts and culture.
Glyndebourne supports schools with Artsmark and those working towards their award through three key projects; Performance for Schools, Primary School backstage tours and Songs to Share. To find out how Glyndebourne can support your Artsmark journey, contact the LEARNING & ENGAGEMENT department on 01273 815023 or

Award levels

Award levels achieved by schools are held for two years. Schools can apply to the following Artsmark award levels.
Artsmark Silver

Schools with an emerging vision for arts.

Artsmark Gold

Schools with a clear vision for the school overall and the role of the arts within that.

Artsmark Platinum

Schools that share many characteristics of gold schools but in addition have a long established vision for the arts in the school.

Artsmark Flagship

Schools will be nominated by Arts Council England where they achieve above expectations in a particular area.

Any school, pupil referral unit or special educational needs setting in England may register for Artsmark award. For more information, please visit

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