Photo gallery

Pay the Piper

A selection of photos from our youth opera retelling the tale of the Pied Piper.

A selection of photos from our new youth opera, Pay the Piper

Join Glyndebourne Youth Opera and a cast of professional singers for a brand new opera based upon the tale of the Pied Piper of Hamelin.

Photos: Richard Hubert Smith

Piper (Maya Kherani) and members of Glyndebourne Youth Opera

Lonely Child/Tam (Fin Metcalfe-Martin)

Piper (Maya Kherani)

Mother (Rachael Lloyd), Mayor (Adam Marsden) and members of Glyndebourne Youth Opera

Conductor Johann Stuckenbruck and Psappha

Mother (Rachael Lloyd), Piper (Maya Kherani) and members of Glyndebourne Youth Opera

Piper (Maya Kherani) and Lonely Child/Tam (Fin Metcalfe-Martin)

Mayor (Adam Marsden), Piper (Maya Kherani) and Councillors (Alice Caroe, Maria Copley, Flo Gordon, Kate Pinnell, Eleanor Vincent, Amelia Worrsam)

Puppeteers and members of Glyndebourne Youth Opera

Mayor (Adam Marsden) and Councillors (Alice Caroe, Maria Copley, Flo Gordon, Kate Pinnell, Eleanor Vincent, Amelia Worrsam)

Piper (Maya Kherani)

Mayor (Adam Marsden), Lonely Child (Maggie Marshall, Fin Metcalfe-Martin, Andrea Palma Lizardo, Minnie Wood) and members of Glyndebourne Youth Opera

 Councillors (Alice Caroe, Maria Copley, Flo Gordon, Kate Pinnell, Eleanor Vincent, Amelia Worrsam)

Piper (Maya Kherani) and members of Glyndebourne Youth Opera

Piper (Maya Kherani)

Mother (Rachael Lloyd) and Lonely Child/Tam (Maggie Marshall)

Piper (Maya Kherani) and members of Glyndebourne Youth Opera

Pay the Piper is on stage AT GLYNDEBOURNE until Sunday 27 February

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