Participant Case Studies

Helen Lacey

Past Projects

2011 – On Off
2012 – Lovers Walk
2013 – Imago

How did you find out about Glyndebourne Youth Opera?

Through a friend.

What was your most memorable moment?

‘Being in the chorus for Imago, what an amazing experience! Surrounded by lovely people who I’m still in contact with and being able to experience performing in a chorus on the Glyndebourne stage.’

What have you done since GYO?

‘Currently studying at Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester, where I won the Elsie Thurston Prize in 2014 and am a member of the RNCM Baroque Soloists. Also had roles in two RNCM operas and been in the chorus. Outside of college I sang solo in the Royal Albert Hall with the National Youth Choir.’

What do you think you gained from being part of GYO?

GYO really opened my eyes to exploring and performing opera. Previously I loved singing but I couldn’t understand or relate to opera. GYO was such a creative and fun experience, and to meet other singers who were passionate about opera was very inspiring.’

What’s it like to perform at Glyndebourne?

‘So exciting and inspiring!’

What would you say to anyone thinking about taking part in an education project at Glyndebourne?

‘I would 100% encourage anyone to get involved with GYO. If you enjoy singing, movement and acting you will love it! There is no reason to feel like you aren’t good enough – it’s for everyone. I was very weak in some areas of performance when i joined GYO, but I learnt so much. Everyone is so supportive and friendly. Without GYO I might never have gone on to pursue opera – thank you! ‘

Information collected 08/09/16

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