Under 30s
Are you 16 to 29 years old? Join Under 30s for free and take advantage of £30 tickets to the Festival.
For more than a decade, those aged under 30 have had access to heavily subsidised tickets, thanks to generous funding from our New Generation Programme.
What do Under 30s receive?
Under 30s can access tickets from £30 for selected performances.
How do I access Under 30s tickets?
First, you need to sign up for Under 30s for free. When joining, you are asked to confirm your date of birth. We will email you when each batch of Under 30s tickets is released with details of how to book.
If you’re new to glyndebourne.com, register your details and tick the Under 30s box. If you already have an account, log in to add Under 30s to your account.
Please note that Under 30s tickets may only be used by those aged 16–29 and you may be asked to provide proof of age before entering the auditorium with an Under 30s ticket.
Under 40s Membership
Join Under 40s to secure Festival tickets before public booking and enjoy 50% off a pair of tickets.