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What you thought of Le nozze di Figaro

Read a selection of press reviews and audience reactions for Le nozze di Figaro.

The curtain has now gone up on our production of Mozart’s Le Nozze di figaro.

When a womanising aristocrat tries to seduce his valet’s pretty young fiancée, his wife and servants conspire to teach him a lesson in fidelity he’ll never forget. Plots are hatched, promises made (and broken) and disguises donned, as Mozart’s ‘mad day’ unfolds.

Director Michael Grandage updates the action to the dying days of Spain’s Franco regime in his 2012 production. Giancarlo Andretta and Nicholas Carter conduct.

Read what the audience and critics had to say about the production.

Audience Reaction

‘Fantastic production, beautiful sets. Sublime singing, particularly from Susanna.’

Audience Member

‘Loved the imaginative interpretation and the stellar cast was more than adept at carrying it off.’

Audience Member

‘The most amazing opera I have ever seen. Everything about the experience was exceptional. Grateful to have been able to purchase tickets through the under 30s scheme as I would not have been able to go otherwise.’

Audience Member

‘The best Figaro I have ever seen.’

Audience Member

What the critics are saying

‘…the stand-out performance of the evening was South Korean soprano Hera Hyesang Park’s spitfire of a Susanna. Her performance was bewitching – she acted and sang divinely.’

The i Newspaper

‘Sit back and watch the fireworks.’

The Times

‘The best reason for catching this revival comes with some of the singing, notably the pristine, diamond-cut soprano of Hera Hyesang Park’s Susanna.’

Financial Times

‘With a remarkable cast, phenomenal sounds from the pit and a sumptuous set, this was a very classy performance indeed.’

The Arts Desk

‘an inspired and entertaining revival of an excellent production.’


‘Dynamic and elegant’

The Stage

Le nozze di Figaro is on stage until 16 July 2022

Image credits: Le nozze di Figaro, Festival 2022. Photos by Bill Cooper.

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