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The Galvin Brothers: cured salmon recipe

The Galvins share their recipe for cured salmon with crab, fennel and avocado cream for you to enjoy at home.


The Galvins will be bringing their modern British style to Middle & Over Wallop, our fine-dining restaurant, in an exclusively curated menu.

Here is a recipe from The Galvin Brothers that you can enjoy at home.

Cured salmon with crab, fennel and avocado cream

Serves 6


700g piece of organic salmon fillet from the thick end, skin on
500g rock salt
500g caster sugar
200g lemongrass, finely chopped
25g white peppercorns
25g coriander seeds
1/2 bunch of coriander, chopped finely grated zest of 1 lemon
sea salt and freshly ground white pepper

For the lemon dressing

1 tablespoon olive oil
1 shallot, finely diced finely grated zest and juice of 1 lemon
25ml Chardonnay vinegar or white wine vinegar
50ml Lemon Oil

For the avocado cream

2 very ripe avocados
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice

To serve

1 head of fennel, trimmed
50g white crab meat, preferably from the south coast of England
1 tablespoon chopped chives
a little olive oil
10g farmed caviar, such as Sevruga (optional)
a little coriander cress or a few coriander leaves


Clean any scales off the fish skin with the back of a large knife, then score the skin at 3cm intervals, being careful not to cut too far into the salmon flesh. Wash the salmon, check for any remaining bones and then place it in a deep dish. Mix together the rock salt, sugar, lemongrass, spices, coriander and lemon zest and sprinkle this mixture over the fish. Cover with cling film, place in the fridge and leave for 12 hours, turning after 6 hours. Remove the salmon from the cure, rinse well and pat dry. Place on a plate, cover with a clean cloth and leave in the fridge for 2 hours. Then use a long, thin knife to slice the salmon down and off the skin, leaving the dark blood line on the skin. Arrange the slices on each serving plate in a circle, cover with cling film and return to the fridge.

To make the lemon dressing, heat the olive oil in a small pan, add the shallot and sweat until softened but not coloured. Add the lemon zest and juice and simmer until the liquid has reduced by half. Add the vinegar and simmer until reduced by a third. Remove from the heat and whisk in the lemon oil. Adjust the seasoning and then chill. For the avocado cream, halve, stone, peel and chop the avocados. Toss with the lemon juice, then place in a food processor or blender and blend to a smooth purée; if it is too thick to blend, you can add a few drops of water to help keep it moving.

Season with sea salt and place in a piping bag (it’s not absolutely necessary to pipe the avocado cream but storing it in a piping bag helps it keep its colour). Place in the fridge. Cut the fennel lengthwise in half and shred it very finely, preferably with a mandolin. Toss the fennel with a teaspoon of the lemon dressing, season with sea salt and set aside.

To serve, spoon a teaspoon of lemon dressing on to each portion of salmon and rub it all over the fish. Put the crab in a small bowl with the chives, a little olive oil and some salt and pepper and mix well. Sprinkle the crab over the plates of salmon, place the fennel on top, then add 5 dots per plate of the avocado purée, followed by the caviar, if using. Garnish with the coriander and then serve.

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