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Peaceful Moments

Glyndebourne artists from all over the world sing the folk songs they love.

Glyndebourne artists from all over the world sing the folk songs they love.

Opera can be outsized, full on, epic, but these intimate musical miniatures calm the soul.

In these troubled times, we hope our Peaceful Moments series will provide a tranquil moment in your week.

Matthew Rose performs Foggy, Foggy Dew

This performance is dedicated to the memory of Lady Christie, who passed away in June

Jennifer Johnston performs ‘She Moved Through the Fair’

Vuvu Mpofu performs ‘Thula Thula’

Karen Cargill performs ‘Eriskay Love Lilt’

Sir Thomas Allen performs ‘The Water of Tyne’

Max Mandel performs ‘My Lagan Love’

Max is Principal Viola in The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment

Dame Felicity Lott performs ‘Waly Waly’

Danielle de Niese performs ‘Danny Boy’

‘You may be wondering why an Irish song is so close to my heart, but in Sri Lanka – which was colonised by the British, the Dutch and the Portuguese – a lot of these songs made it over there. These are the songs that my parents and their families grew up singing. I had this arrangement made by a very dear friend to give to my parents as a surprise when I did my first performance in Sri Lanka. It was very moving for them, and unexpected. I really love it and I hope you enjoy it too.’
Danielle de Niese

In this short video, Danielle de Niese introduces Peaceful Moments, and tells you what to expect from the series

Make sure you don’t miss any instalments of the series – follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Peaceful Moments is just one of the ways we’ll be sharing music with you this summer as part of #GlyndebourneOpenHouse.
Find out more about what else is coming up.

Glyndebourne is facing a devastating impact due to the cancellation of Festival 2020. If you have enjoyed our Peaceful Moments series, please consider donating to our COVID-19 emergency appeal.

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