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Introducing… Parsifal

Find out more about this new Glyndebourne production, on stage in 2025.

The musical power of Wagner’s Parsifal comes to the Glyndebourne stage for the first time in 2025.

In this video, director Jetske Mijnssen tells us how she’s approaching this epic story:

A brief introduction:

Parsifal (1882) is Wagner’s final completed opera, building on themes familiar from the Ring Cycle and Tristan und Isolde. Based on Arthurian legends, this is a story with a truly epic scope, exploring mortality, sacrifice and compassion.

Amfortas, Keeper of the Holy Grail, has been wounded by the sacred spear that he was meant to protect, and only a knight with a pure heart can heal him. Parsifal must resist all the temptations placed in his path, to battle an evil sorcerer and reclaim the spear that can restore Amfortas.

With a score full of sumptuous orchestral music, mysterious beauty and yearning, this is a piece that demands your attention. Escape the everyday, and immerse yourself in its otherworldly music and dramatic journey.

Why not to miss it:

This is the opportunity to see one of the most important operatic works staged at Glyndebourne for the first time, following in the footsteps of our acclaimed productions of Tristan und Isolde and Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg.

Dutch director Jetske Mijnssen makes her Glyndebourne and Wagner debut with Parsifal. Known for her thoughtful and deeply psychological productions, she says that ‘creating characters in a piece is my everything. I want to see characters on stage that are human beings that I can relate to.’ You can hear more from Jetske in the video above.

Find out more in this short video where Rob Rinder discusses how Parsifal forces us to confront the pursuit of power and what it means to be human…

A great moment to look out for:

Parsifal opens with one of the miracles of Wagner’s music, a hauntingly beautiful 15 minute Prelude which introduces the themes for the Grail and the spear which we will return to as the story unfolds on stage.

Cast and creative team:

Following on from Festival 2024’s Tristan und Isolde, conductor and Glyndebourne music director Robin Ticciati takes on this extraordinary musical odyssey.

The title role will be played by leading Swedish tenor Daniel Johansson, with acclaimed German mezzo soprano Kristina Stanek as Kundry, John Relyea as Gurnemanz, Audun Iversen as Amfortas and Ryan Speedo Green as Klingsor.

Parsifal is on stage 17 May – 24 June 2025

Supported by Christopher and Sarah Smith
and a Syndicate and Circle of Individuals

Bring world-class opera to the stage

To find out more about production support for Festival 2025 click here
or contact our Director of Development, Helen McCarthy for an informal chat:
call 01273 013 308 or email

Image credits: Main image – Stocksy/Image treatment by Melissa Castro Duarte

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