Photo gallery

Don Giovanni

A selection of photos from our brand new Festival 2023 production of Mozart's Don Giovanni.

A selection of photos from our brand new Festival 2023 production of Don Giovanni.

Mariame Clément directs Glyndebourne’s first new Don Giovanni in over a decade.

Photographer: Monika Rittershaus

Don Giovanni (Andrey Zhilikhovsky)

Donna Elvira (Ruzan Mantashyan), Don Giovanni (Andrey Zhilikhovsky) and Leporello (Mikhail Timoshenko)

Don Ottavio (Oleksiy Palchykov)

Zerlina (Victoria Randem) and Don Giovanni (Andrey Zhilikhovsky)

Donna Elvira (Ruzan Mantashyan)

Zerlina (Victoria Randem) and Masetto (Michael Mofidian)

Leporello (Mikhail Timoshenko), Don Giovanni (Andrey Zhilikhovsky), Donna Elvira (Ruzan Mantashyan), Don Ottavio (Oleksiy Palchykov) and Donna Anna (Venera Gimadieva)

Leporello (Mikhail Timoshenko), The Commendatore (Jerzy Butryn) and Don Giovanni (Andrey Zhilikhovsky)

 Leporello (Mikhail Timoshenko)

Donna Anna (Venera Gimadieva)

Leporello (Mikhail Timoshenko) and Don Giovanni (Andrey Zhilikhovsky)

The Commendatore (Jerzy Butryn), Don Giovanni (Andrey Zhilikhovsky), Leporello (Mikhail Timoshenko) and members of the Glyndebourne Chorus

Don Giovanni IS ON STAGE until 15 July
Can’t make it to the Festival?
Don Giovanni is on stage this autumn from 12 November – 2 December 2023. Find out more.

Photography: The images that appear during Act I, Scene 5 are by Laura Dodsworth and are reproduced with permission. © Laura Dodsworth

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