Photo gallery

A Midsummer Night's Dream - photo gallery

A selection of photos from our Festival 2023 production of Britten's A Midsummer Night's Dream.

A selection of photos from our Festival 2023 production of Britten’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

First staged in 1981, Peter Hall’s production is a longstanding Festival favourite.

Photographer: Tristram Kenton

Oberon (Tim Mead) and Tytania (Liv Redpath)

The Mechanicals: Snug (Patrick Guetti), Bottom (Brandon Cedel), Quince (Henry Waddington), Starveling (Alex Otterburn), Flute (James Way) and Snout (Alasdair Elliott)

Fairies, Tytania (Liv Redpath) and Bottom (Brandon Cedel)

Hermia (Rachael Wilson) and Lysander (Caspar Singh)

Puck (Oliver Barlow)

Lysander (Caspar Singh), Hermia (Rachael Wilson), Helena (Lauren Fagan) and Demetrius (Samuel Dale Johnson)

Bottom (Brandon Cedel)

Puck (Oliver Barlow) and fairies

The Mechanicals: Quince (Henry Waddington), Snug (Patrick Guetti), Flute (James Way), Starveling (Alex Otterburn) and Snout (Alasdair Elliott)

Fairies with Oberon (Tim Mead) and Tytania (Liv Redpath)

The Mechanicals: Quince (Henry Waddington), Starveling (Alex Otterburn), Flute (James Way) and Snug (Patrick Guetti)

Lysander (Caspar Singh) and Demetrius (Samuel Dale Johnson)

Lysander (Caspar Singh), Hermia (Rachael Wilson), Helena (Lauren Fagan) and Demetrius (Samuel Dale Johnson)

A Midsummer Night’s Dream is on stage until 22 August

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