Glyndebourne wins award for environmental achievements
2018 Creative Green Awards
Glyndebourne first began to address its environmental impact in 2005 and commissioned an analysis of its carbon emissions to focus efforts. A wind turbine located just above the opera house was identified as the single largest financially-viable initiative that could then be undertaken to reduce Glyndebourne’s own-generated carbon emissions.
In the six years since the wind turbine was commissioned in 2012, it has generated on average the equivalent of 102% of the company’s annual electricity requirements, well above the 90% target and resulting in a 50% reduction in carbon emissions.
- Installation of a gas-fired condensing boiler
- Modification of the air conditioning system to reduce energy consumption
- Replacement of auditorium and car park lights with low-energy LEDs
- Installation of timers and light sensors to ensure that lights are only in use when required
- New waste management contract with Paper Round to operate zero waste to landfill
- Introduction of a ‘green purchasing clause’ to the Glyndebourne purchasing policy
- Increased use of recycled paper
- Recycling decommissioned scenery, either internally, or through companies specialising in distributing unwanted props and scenery to other theatres
- New audience toilets with water-saving flushes
- A switch to environmentally-friendly cleaning supplies
- Significantly improved recycling facilities for audience and staff
- On site electric car charging point for staff and audiences which is seeing increased demand
- Free coach service from Lewes to encourage audiences to travel to Glyndebourne by train
- Cycle-to-work scheme for Glyndebourne staff
- Interest free travel loans for staff to encourage use of public transport
The Creative Green Awards are organised by environmental charity Julie’s Bicycle and celebrate the achievements of the cultural sector in addressing sustainability. The ceremony took place last night (9 July) at the Roundhouse in London.