On screen

Glyndebourne Encore

Our streaming service – watch extraordinary opera on demand

Ever wanted the performance to start again the moment it ends? The ‘it can’t be over’ feeling afflicts our audiences a lot.

This is why we created Glyndebourne Encore – a catalogue of our world-class operas available to watch in full, on demand. Subscribe and the extraordinary performances don’t have to stop.

This is what you’re signing up for:

  • Unlimited access to all newly filmed productions and highlights from our archive.
  • Your subscription revenue supports Glyndebourne in achieving its mission to open all hearts and minds to opera
Ever wanted it all to start again the moment the opera ended? Now it does.

What can I watch?

Glyndebourne Encore subscribers can now enjoy all of our new Festival 2022 productions including The Wreckers, Alcina, La Voix humaine, Les Mamelles de Tirésias and La bohèmePlus a growing collection of your favourite Glyndebourne operas, including:
Billy Budd
Così fan tutte
Die Entführung aus dem Serail
Die Zauberflöte
Don Giovanni
The Cunning Little Vixen
Giulio Cesare
La clemenza di Tito
Le nozze di Figaro
L’enfant et les sortilèges
L’heure espagnole
The Rake’s Progress
The Rape of Lucretia
Il barbiere di Siviglia

… and new titles are regularly added.

And that’s not all – you’ll also be able to listen to a selection of classic audio recordings of full operas including  Theodora (1996), Idomeneo (1964), A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2006) and Peter Grimes (2000).

How much does it cost?

A Glyndebourne Encore monthly subscription costs £6.99.
Just launched: Rentals

We have just launched a new rental feature on Glyndebourne Encore, allowing you to rent a number of our most popular titles and curated bundles.


  • Rent individual titles for just £9.99 for 3 days. Titles include: La bohème, Alcina, The Wreckers, Les Mamelles de Tirésias, Giulio Cesare, Saul and Rinaldo.
  • Rent the highlights of Festival 2022 bundle for just £29.99 for 30 days. Including: La bohème, Alcina, The Wreckers and Les Mamelles de Tirésias.
  • Rent the Handel collection for just £29.99 for 30 days. Including Giulio Cesare, Saul, Alcina and Rinaldo.

How do I watch?

There are lots of ways to watch Glyndebourne Encore:
On your TV

via the Glyndebourne Encore app for Amazon Fire TV or Roku.


via the Glyndebourne Encore website.

On your mobile or tablet

by downloading the Glyndebourne Encore app from the Apple Store or Google Play Store.

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