Photo Gallery

Glyndebourne Academy

A selection of photos from our Glyndebourne Academy workshop


Glyndebourne Academy is for young singers interested in pursuing classical singing who have faced challenges in their musical development, Whether this is due to challenging personal circumstances, geographical or financial barriers or other factors. Each year we recruit gifted and talented young singers aged between 16 – 26 to receive intensive training, mentorship, advice and guidance on future development and career pathways.

Photographer: Sarah Hickson

Grace Wallace and Amy Porter taking part in a movement workshop

From left to right – Grace Wallace, John Rhys Liddington, Josh Quinlan, Amy Porter, Eilís Dexter, Matthew Cooke, Oscar Bowen-Hill, Edward Daly and Jessica Partington-West rehearsing choreography

John Rhys Liddington (Josh Quinlan in background) rehearsing choreography

Oscar Bowen-Hill practising vocal exercises with Edward Daly

Matthew Cooke practising vocal exercises

Yolanda Grant-Thompson (Vocal Coach) coaching John Rhys Liddington and Jessica Partington-West accompanied by Caroline Jaya-Ratnam (Coach and Pianist)

Eilís Dexter practising vocal exercises

From left to right – Mary King (Vocal Coach), Yolanda Grant-Thompson (Vocal Coach), Grace Wallace, John Rhys Liddington, Oscar Bowen-Hill, Edward Daly, Josh Quinlan and Amy Porter

Jessica Partington-West making notes in a group workshop

Josh Quinlan (Matthew Cooke and Eilís Dexter in foreground) taking part in a group workshop

Karen Edwards (Movement Coach) coaching Amy Porter

Edward Daly (Matthew Cooke in background) taking part in a movement workshop

From left to right – Karen Edwards (Movement Coach), Caroline Jaya-Ratnam (Coach and Pianist) and Yolanda Grant-Thompson (Vocal Coach) leading a group workshop

Glyndebourne Academy is an operatic development project which aims to support gifted young singers.

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