Music Key Stage 4
L'elisir d'amore Music Key Stage 4
Lesson one

Theme/ Activity headline: The Gentle Man
Curriculum attainment targets:Engage actively in the process of music study and develop performing skills individually and in groups to communicate musically with fluency and control of the resources used
Starter activity
Provide a collection of key words on separate pieces of paper or card, which are connected to the overall plot/ synopsis of L’elisir d’amore. In groups, learners can try to guess the plot- arranging the words in different ways.
One collection could be:
- A man
- A woman
- A soldier
- Some unrequited love
- A love potion
- A marriage proposal
- A cancelled marriage
- Some inheritance
- Some jealousy
- A happy ending
Main activity
Play ‘Una furtiva Lagrima’ (Act ll) and encourage learners to walk around the space freely in time to the music. Place props around the room for learners to explore which conjure up the idea of a humble, soft, warm-hearted, sincere person.
Create a class poster using learners’ words to describe this piece of music and also to describe the character of the person singing- namely, Nemorino.
Play the aria again and encourage learners to sing/ play along as they listen. Discuss, using some technical language:
- words/libretto
- musical features, including structure
- relationship between the words and the music
- the drama that could be added to a live performance
Research the ‘bel canto’ style.
How and why does this opera use the ‘bel canto’ style? What effect does it have on the listener do you think? What does this mean for the soloists? How does it affect our relationship with the characters? What is the orchestra’s job during an aria? Write down your answers.
Lesson two

Theme/ Activity headline: Glittering Adina
Curriculum attainment targets: Develop composing skills to organise musical ideas and make use of appropriate resources and broaden musical experience and interests, develop imagination and foster creativity.
Starter activity
In groups, discuss the idea of the love potion and try to think of other love potions that have been used in the creative arts. Can you give some examples?
Main activity
Listen to Adina’s first aria, ‘Della crudele Isotta’ (Act l).
Invite learners to write words on a large piece of paper, to describe their responses to the aria. Encourage them to think about the musical features that are used to portray Adina’s character. How would you describe her character from listening to this aria?
In groups of four, create a short, ‘loop-based’, A Capella vocal piece which could be used to represent the light-footed, confident Adina.
Scaffold this activity according to individual learner needs. For instance, provide a set group of notes (such as the black notes on a piano or five notes from a xylophone) for learners to work with. Learners can then layer short ‘loops’ using just voices. Learners could use beatboxing, vocal percussion sounds or other experimental vocal techniques.
Perform to the whole class, practising positive, specific and useful feedback techniques.
Create a poem about a love potion, or create a poem which could be used as a love potion. This work may be used in one of the upcoming starter activities.
Lesson three

Theme/ Activity headline: The Allure of Dark Side
Curriculum attainment targets: Develop knowledge, understanding and skills needed to communicate effectively as musicians and develop as effective and independent learners with enquiring minds
Starter activity
Listen to a love song such as ‘Every Breath You Take’ by The Police, as learners enter.
In groups. Pick one of the love potion poems from the previous extension activity. Read it through and adapt/ change/ develop the poem as necessary so that all members of the group are happy with it. Ensure that the poem has a strong pulse and clear rhythm as it is spoken.
Main activity
Listen to Dulcamara’s first aria ‘Udite, udite, O rustici!’ (Listen, all you townsfolk) followed by Belcore singing ‘Come Paride vezzoso!’
Discuss both the words/libretto and the meaning of the words. Then use high-order questioning to encourage learners to think about these two characters and the musical techniques used to bring them to life.
Are these two characters persuasive and convincing? Would you trust them?
Now turn your love potion poems into raps with a slightly dark flavour to them.
Focus on:
- the words and creating dark undertones
- the pulse/ beat and rhythm of the words
- adding beatboxing or percussion
- adding actions or movement to bring the rap to life
Set the rap poem from the starter to music, imagining that the words and music were to become an aria in a tragic opera. The music could consist of either:
one simple line of melody; one repeating riff/ bass-line or pattern; a drone; or some simple chords.
Lesson four

Theme/ Activity headline: Comic Opera: just a bit of a giggle?
Curriculum attainment targets: Reflect upon and evaluate their own and others’ music.
Starter activity
Listen to a recording of Vera Lynn singing ‘We’ll meet again’ as learners enter the room. Can anyone guess what this song is about?
Display the words ‘All is fair in love and war’ and ask learners to share their thoughts on what this could mean. Discuss in a variety of different ways and guide learners, using high-order questioning.
Main activity
Listen again to ‘Una furtiva Lagrima’ (Act ll) whilst walking around the room.
Play a game, and when the music stops, freeze, and adopt a pose to express Nemorino’s feelings.
Discuss the idea of the comic opera in relation to the feelings of the characters and how they are portrayed and expressed.
In groups, if you were the director of this opera, what would be your overall aims and intentions for the production? Write a short paragraph stating your intentions. What kind of an experience would you want the audience to have?
Finally, see if you can find out a bit about Director Annabel Arden’s intentions for L’elisir d’amore. Do they align with any of your intentions or are they different?
Listen to favourite parts of the opera listened to so far and describe one musical detail you like and why.
Write a few words about your favourite parts of the opera. This could include favourite parts of the plot, favourite words or favourite bits of music for instance. Explain your thoughts clearly, using some musical technical language if possible.
Image credits: L’elisir d’amore, Festival 2011, photos by Bill Cooper