Exhibition: 20 May - 31 October 2021

Halima Cassell MBE

A major exhibition of new works by sculptor Halima Cassell MBE in the Glyndebourne gardens.

‘When I started my work in 1995, people who saw it thought it was made by a man. It was through the physical appearance, the strength, look and authority of the form, and its heavily carved contours and surfaces… The real importance for me was the perceived strength of the work itself, and that it was me (a small, slightly built Asian girl) who made it. I like the idea of being strong through my work’
– Halima Cassell

Glyndebourne presents new works by sculptor Halima Cassell in the gardens this summer. This is the artist’s first major solo exhibition since being awarded an MBE in the 2020 New Year Honours list.

Featuring nine sculptures in materials including cast iron, marble, jesmonite, concrete and bronze, the exhibition includes four new site-specific works for the Glyndebourne gardens. These include Memento Mori (2021), a pair of four-ton cast iron flames, Primavera (2021), a meditation on spring flowers, Hurricane (2021) and Gathering (2021), a series of coloured forms in hand-carved concrete, reflecting on the joy of coming together again. The new works are all inspired by the organic forms Cassell observed during her first visit to Glyndebourne in 2019.

Halima Cassell MBE is a British artist and sculptor. Born in Kashmir in 1975, she grew up in Lancashire, England. Reflecting on her dual international heritage and inspired by geometry, architecture, natural forms and the patterns and textures she has encountered whilst travelling, Cassell makes deeply carved forms in unglazed ceramic, bronze, cast iron, marble, wood and jesmonite.

Also featured are a pair of small limited edition wall friezes, available to purchase through our online shop, and a selection of prints.

To enquire about any of the works in this exhibition please contact our curator Nerissa Taysom – nerissa.taysom@glyndebourne.com

Video: Halima Cassell MBE – Meet the Maker

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