Viewing Room

Fair Ground 2022

18 November - 8 January

This exhibition has now ended.

God gives all men all earth to love,
But since man’s heart is small,
Ordains for each one spot shall prove
Beloved over all.
Each to his choice, and I rejoice
The lot has fallen to me
In a fair ground – in a fair ground –
Yea, Sussex by the sea!
– Sussex, Rudyard Kipling (1902)

Fair Ground is our annual exhibition of contemporary art in Sussex. The title is taken from a musical stanza in Rudyard Kipling’s famous poem Sussex, in which he describes the county as ‘beloved over all’. A hymn to the beauty of place, Kipling saw his enchantment with Sussex as deeply rooted in an understanding of locality, a belief that the cottages, hedgerows, green rolling hills, seafronts, hidden coves and woodlands were all integral part of connecting real people to their historical pasts. Each of the selected works in Fair Ground speak to this idea of myth and memory, continuing to mark Sussex as a place of visual poetry.

This year, we present over 40 works on paper from artists across the county, showcasing a dazzling array of techniques including watercolour, drawing, collage and drypoint. The exhibiting artists are: Sophie Abbott, Dawn Aldridge, Julie Annis, Adrian Berg, Michael Bishop, Faye Bridgwater, Louise Body, Matthew Burrows MBE, Graham Dean, Steph Fawbert, Linda Felcey, Sam Ford, The Baron Gilvan, Tom Homewood, Alex Jones, Victoria Kiff, Izzy Malanczuk, Joe Packer, Camilla Perkins, Richard Pelling, Kate Scott and Agnes Treherne.

All works are framed and are for sale from £250. For any enquiries, please contact our Curator –

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