Gift Aid and tax efficient giving
Submitting a Gift Aid declaration enables Glyndebourne to reclaim tax on charitable donations at the rate of 25p for every £1 you give.
Gift Aid declarations
Submitting a Gift Aid declaration enables Glyndebourne to reclaim tax on charitable donations at the rate of 25p for every £1 you give.
If you are a UK taxpayer we can claim Gift Aid on your subscriptions and/or donations at no extra cost to you.
If you have not already done so, and are eligible to Gift Aid, simply download and complete the Gift Aid declaration and return it to:
Membership & Development
East Sussex
or email it to

Am I eligible?
- To be eligible, what you pay in UK income tax and/or capital gains tax must at least equal the tax that all charities you donate to can claim on your donations in the tax year.
- Donations from companies are not eligible for Gift Aid.
- Gifts made with Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) vouchers have already had Gift Aid claimed on them by CAF, so further Gift Aid cannot be claimed.
- Membership subscriptions must be paid in the name of the Member to eligible
For more details of eligibility please see the HMRC website.
Further questions?
If you have any other queries- for example, you currently Gift Aid your contribution and your circumstances have changed, or if your subscription is paid by someone other than yourself – please contact us:
+44(0)1273 815 400 (Monday to Friday, 10.00am – 5.00pm)
Tax advantages of leaving a gift in your will
Depending on the size and complexity of your estate making a gift to Glyndebourne can also help lower the amount of Inheritance tax.
Find out more about the tax implications of leaving a legacy here.
Pay tax in the US?
If you pay tax in the US you can support Glyndebourne tax efficiently. Glyndebourne America Inc is a US based 501( c )(3) charitable organisation which supports Glyndebourne and its productions in the UK. Contributions to Glyndebourne America Inc are tax deductible for US citizens and taxpayers to the extent permitted by US law.